My Medela Supplemental Nursing System


Using my SNS on the 2nd while out and about.

After 2 months of struggling with trying to get my milk supply up, I have come to terms with not being able to exclusively breastfeed. I finally gave in and ordered the Medela SNS. I am using it to save our breastfeeding relationship, not to increase my milk supply but if it does i wont complain.


First day using the SNS. Second time.

So far using the SNS is a bit of a PITA because it leaks and it has to be positioned a specific way. Besides that I love that I can keep her at the breast for full feedings. Instead of doing breast then bottle. This way we are able to avoid flow preference, which she was showing a bit of. Now I see why women say they have a love/hate relationship with their SNS.

I received the Medela SNS, May 17th, and by, May 19th, decided to order the original at breast nursing supplement system. I ordered the Lact-aid because it is much more discreet and reviews stat that it does not leak. I am super excited to receive it and will post about it for sure.