Breastfeeding in Public?…Inappropriate!

I had been waiting all day yesterday for some time to post this. I was watching the Wendy Williams Show yesterday and they put a picture of a young mother breast feeding her baby at her graduation. So three of her guess and herself went on to bashing this girl for being inappropriate and talking about how she should have pumped before she left the house or why she didn’t just hand the baby over to the father for a bottle. They just went on and on about how there being a time and place and how she was taking away from her graduation by breastfeeding her baby. “There is a time and a place” they said!! There is a time and a place to be hungry? Really? Because last I checked we all get hungry whenever we need to eat regardless of where we are. Her baby should not have choose the graduation to get hungry because that is not the time or the place to be hungry.

Walking down the sidewalk eating? Is that the time and the place?

Eating in your car? Is that the time and the place?

Eating in your office for lunch? Is that the tine and the place?

How about outside at a food vendor? Is that the time and the place?

Please do tell me where is this magical time and place to feed our children!

i mean you have to be kidding me. How ignorant does a human being have to be to go as far to practically say breastfeeding. a baby can ruin a graduation? One of the woman said she breastfeed her four children. She should be taking a stand not putting women down. Maybe she felt intimidated. I don’t know but just drives me crazy knowing that women could be catty, petty, and ignorant towards each other. People saying things like that is what makes some moms ashamed to breastfeed in public. That’s why some moms feel the need to cover there babies up or go to the bathroom to breastfeed. I wish those people who judge women for breastfeeding in public would try to eat with a blanket over their head or in a public bathroom for a day.

We were created with breast to feed our babies not to please men. Our breast are the original bottles and pacifiers. That’s why the tip of a bottle and a pacifier is called a nipple. They wouldn’t cover their babies head while feeding their baby in public with a bottle or hide away in the bathroom. So why is it that people are so ignorant about breastfeeding.


Its ok…

for a Victoria Secret ad to be seen publicly in a mall and on tv where there are children walking around.

for a celebrity to wear a see through dress and be photographed for the entire world to see and be called a fashion icon

for a women to wear a bikini with her breast hanging out

for women in music videos to shake their stuff almost naked

…but its not acceptable when…

a mom wants, no no, NEEDS to breastfeed their child in a restaurant

a mom needs to soothe her crying baby

a baby is hungry and NEEDS to eat

Oh how dare we feed our babies in PUBLIC!!!?? How dare our child be hungry when we are not home! How dare that lady not take her infant/toddler to that filthy, stinky public bathroom to eat!? Right? How dare she not put a blanket over her baby to cover up while he’s eating? Because we all know how bad eating in public can be.

I mean seriously why are these people who have such a strong opinion about not breastfeeding in public, just not looking away? No one is telling you to stare. If it bothers you that much don’t look.

We are just feeding our children!

Simply Obvious


So, to start off I got a new phone with windows operating system instead of Android and the WordPress app for windows is a PITA and posting pics is a hassle so I’m going to have to work something out.

Aside from my app problems. I will tell you about the ahh ha moment I had yesterday. It was more of a “duhh” feeling and I don’t understand why I hadn’t realized this earlier. After all, this is not my first. Here we go. So I was reading another blog and it had a infants schedule from naps to feedings and that’s when I thought “wait a minute Mia doesn’t take nearly as many naps as she should”. After reading that I decided to try something new the next day. I started our day yesterday by being very vigilant to her cues. When she woke up after her last full breastfeeding through the night. She had her first supplemented feeding and after her feeding she was fussy and crying. Any other day I would think she was still hungry and try to feed her and she would refuse and I would check her diaper. I don’t know why it just wasn’t clicking. Except this time around I walked her around the apartment and comfort nursed her and she calmed down and fell asleep in no time. Once she had woken up from her nap she was refreshed and after a bit was ready to feed again. We continued this routine all day and at 7 o’clock she had her usual bath, fed and by 8 o’clock was asleep.


I can’t believe that I almost gave up on breastfeeding. I genuinely thought our problem was using the lact-aid. Apparently the only way she will nap is by being nursed to sleep.

We both love nursing and I’m glad I figured her out just in time.

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